About us


Decades of experience has made us market leaders in manufacturing surface heating products

For years Kuhlmann Electro-Heat has been producing electrical heating elements to both the national and international industrial sector.

Our main specialty is design and production of drum heaters, container heaters and industrial heating blankets, where our many years of experience makes us market leaders in surface heating with heating blankets and heating of drums and containers.

Our company specializes in the production, sales, and service of industrial electrical heating solutions.

Through our years of experience we have gained unique skills in product development and are among the few Danish manufacturers able to offer customized solutions of our own production to our customers.

Our production is subject to continuous control and all materials used are chosen with care – all to ensure products of the highest quality.

Our employees have many years of experience and in-depth technical knowledge. In close communication with our customers, we ensure optimal solutions. No job is either too small or too big for us.

We are continuously expanding our product range because of growing trade with various accessories in heating technology.

Our company specializes in the production, sales, and service of industrial electrical heating solutions.

We develop products that last a little longer!

niektórzy z naszych zadowolonych klientów 

Dumni dostawcy produktów do naprawy łopatek do

Dlaczego warto z nami współpracować?

Zdobyliśmy unikalne umiejętności w zakresie rozwoju produktów

+40 lat doświadczenia

Nasze wieloletnie doświadczenie uczyniło nas liderami rynkowymi w produkcji elementów grzewczych powierzchniowych.

Wysyłka na całym świecie

Oferujemy szybką i bezpieczną wysyłkę do wszystkich regionów świata.

100% satysfakcji

Twoja satysfakcja jest naszym najwyższym priorytetem. Oferujemy produkty najwyższej jakości oraz najlepszą obsługę klienta.